
New talk series "Shadowed Paths & Radiant Roads: The Secrets of Joy from Philippians"

This month, we began our new series, 'Shadowed Paths & Radiant Roads: The Secretes of Joy in the Book of Philippians'.

We have a lot in common with the 1st century Philippi church, the people whom Paul writes to in Philippians.

In this series, we examine how to live out our faith and our lives with an eternal perspective. Through Philippians, we are encouraged to see the bigger picture, overcome challenges, believe the best in one another, and learn to walk in unity and joy with Christ and each other.

If ever there was a series to help you look at your eyes through Heaven's eyes, this is it. My prayer is that over the coming weeks, we will be challenged personally and as a church community to walk with a greater sense of purpose as we fix our eyes on the bigger picture.

May you live with the hope of eternity, the joy of knowing Jesus, and the excitement of rising above and overcoming the shadows that fall on your path of life.

I'd encourage you to use the Book of Philippians in your devotions and read along as we go through this series, half a chapter at a time. In doing so, may you be set on a radiant road of hope and joy.

Catch up with the series on YouTube:

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